Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Recount Text

Recount Text adalah teks yang berisi pengalaman seseorang yang sudah dialami (masa lalu) Demikian, recount text biasanya menggunakan VERB 2. Dan dengan menggunakan keterangan waktu di masa lampau misalnya last night,last year, yesterday, etc. Maka, inilah contoh singkat mengenai recount text.

Last Christmas in 2013, I & my family celebrated Christmas together. And my uncle, my auntie, my cousin, etc went to my house. I am very happy. But my mother asked me and my sister to hide in a bedroom. Thats all about my experience. Thanks.

Lihatlah huruf tebal diatas! Huruf yg ditebali tersebut merupakan hal yang terkait dengan recount text.

Untuk mengetahui TENSES - TENSES yang ada maka ada sebaiknya kalian mencari di kamus. Karena disana terdapat banyak vocabulary. Mungkin lain kali saya akan menjelaskan tata cara membuat kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Happy learning! Keep optimist and be wise! But do not to be a bad person.

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Narrative Text

Narrative Text adalah sebuah teks yang berisikan sebuah cerita/dongeng yang sudah terjadi atau sudah berlalu di zaman dahulu. Secara harfiah seperti dalam kamus bahasa Inggris-Indonesia, bahawa narrative adalah the narrated part in a story that difference with dialogue yang artinya bagian yang diceritakan dalam sebuah karya sastra.

Ciri-ciri Narrative Text adalah:
1. Minimal 1.000 kata
2. Memakai "Simple Past Tense/Verb 2"
3. Terjadi di masa yang sudah berlalu
4. Merupakan bagian dari sebuah dongeng, fable, atau sejarah.

Dari ciri-ciri nya sudah diketahui bahwa Narrative Text itu bisa seperti dongeng Kancil dan Buaya, Snow White, dan lain-lain.

Hmm, sebelum dibagikan contoh-contoh Narrative Text, mungkin ada sebagian yang belum tahu tentang "Simple Past/Verb 2?? Yups, jika belum tahu apa itu, saya jelaskan karena Simple Past ini penting dalam Narrative Text. 

Ada 2 macam Verb dalam Narrative text yaitu:
a. Irreguler Verb (Kata kerja tak beraturan) yaitu kata kerja yang dilakukan sehari-hari yang katanya berubah-ubah.
- Learn => learnt, learned => learnt, learned
- see => see => seen

b. Regular Verb (kata kerja beraturan) yaitu kata kerja yang dilakukan yang katanya tidak berubah.
- accept => accepted => accepted
- jump => jumped => jumped

Inilah Contoh narrative text::

Deer and Crocodile

Briefly was 40 crocodiles that were marching from the side of the river at the side foreign him. The mouse deer agilely jumped from one crocodile to the following crocodile until succeeding in crossing the river. Afterwards he jumped above tebing that could not be covered by the crocodile while smiling glad.

Of course crocodiles angry very felt was cheated. They shouted mentioned the mouse deer as the rancid swindler. Acknowledged as Sang the mouse deer by him the chaotic animal, the trade person, the manipulation trade person and the enemy of the number crocodile of one of tricks. However elegantly the mouse deer listened to all the words of dozens of crocodiles beneath it. Afterwards after they were quiet, the mouse deer began to answer their charges.

“Dengar the crocodiles. Your enemy who was biggest not I. But two weak characteristics in the character of the crocodile. You the easy crocodile nation was manipulated by anyone by making use of two big holes in your character” said mouse deer .

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “

“Today I am kind-hearted divided my knowledge about crocodile psychology. Knowledge that was more valuable than one thousand mouse deer meats. Moreover only thin mouse deer meat like me” continued mouse deer .

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “

There were two big holes in your character. Two holes that made you find it easy to be hypnotised or was made use of. First was the requirement that was abundant on the safe feeling that made you easy was intimidated and the two were the feeling of the greed that made you easy was tantaliseds.

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “ violently the crocodile.

Oke. Cukup ya!! Nanti dipost lagi! Ok??
<table border="1" style="width: 500px;">

<td>Verb 1</td>

<td>Verb 2 </td>
<td>Accepted </td>
<td>Believed </td>
<td>Jumped </td>

<td>Verb 3 </td>
<td>Accepted </td>
<td>Believed </td>
<td>Jumped </td>

Verb 1 See Go
V2 Saw went
v3 seen gone

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013


Hai teman-teman ku yg baik!! Terima kasih atas kunjungan kalian semua yg sudah stay-tune di blog ini! Oke, akan ku perkenalkan blog ini... disimak aja ya!

Nama Blog: Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Isi Blog: Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP
Dibuat: 04:43 PM, June 6th, 2013.


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Sekian dan terima kasih atas kunjungan nya!!

Procedure Text

Procedure Text (Teks Prosedur) adalah teks yang berisi tentang prosedur-prosedur atau cara-cara untuk membuat sesuatu. Sebagai contoh, prosedur membuat Pizza, prosedur membuat mie, dan lain-lain. Mungkin ada yang sudah mengerti maksud dari Procedure Text ini? Kalau belum, mari kita simak yang pertama, yaitu cara membuat Pizza Mini Sederhana.

1. Simple Mini Pizza

Ingredients :
  • 800 grams ofTepung Cakra Kembar
  • 200 grams of Tepung Cap Segitiga Biru
  •  4 pieces of Egg Yolk 
  • 60 gram of Skim milk 
  • Margarine, 180gr
  • Bread Improver, 3gr 
  • 1 piece Egg 
  • Instant yeast, 20gr 
  • Sugar, 225gr 
  • Salt, 15gr
  • water, 150ml 
How to Make a Simple Mini Pizza

- First, mix all dry ingredients. Add egg and water and stir until the batter together. Add margarine and mix well using a mixer until blended. Save for 10min.
- Second, take a little batter, or about 50 grams (weights). Spherical shape and let stand for 10min.
flat shapes like pizza. Then arrange on a baking sheet that has been spread with butter first.
- After that, let stand for about 90min until the dough to rise.
- Then enter the oven temperature to 190 degrees Celsius 10min. Put the topping, grated cheese, sausage, oregano and paprica according to taste.
- The last, baked again until cooked for about 10 minutes.
- Finally, serve it.

2. Orange Juice

Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glass.

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution

Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glass.

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
 Ingredients :
  • 2 oranges
  • Ice cubes
  • Sugar
Steps :
  •  First,  cut 2 oranges. After that, put oranges and 2 spoonful of sugar into a blender.
  • After that, turn on the blender. Wait until oranges dissolved.
  • Then, pour the juice into a glass.
  • Last, put the ice cubes into a glass.
  • Serve it.

 Oke, itulah materi kita hari ini! Tetap belajar!!
Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glas

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Ingredients: 2 oranges peeled off Ice cubes Sugar Steps: First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender. Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved. Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds. Fourth, pour into a glas

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution

Kumpulan Materi Bahasa Inggris

1. Descriptive Text
2. Procedure Text
3. Narrative Text

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